Release Notes

Here we describe the changes we've made to ClinicTracker since the last update. Almost all of them are inspired by our user community suggesting ways to improve their use of the system. We have such frequent updates because we want to turn those suggestions into reality as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions, you can reach us through the support portal.
We encourage all users to attend the ongoing Community Training Series. To view upcoming sessions and register, click here.

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Update #1020
Released: 07/19/2024
Version: 8.03.059


Assess Clients Quickly, Securely, and Accurately with Clinicom! An exciting new integration with Clinicom allows you to invite clients to complete an informative, peer-reviewed assessment using adaptive augmented intelligence to screen for up to 80 conditions. Please reach out if you are interested in adding this integrated feature which will both improve patient outcomes and present revenue-generating opportunities for your agency.
New Module

Patient Demographics on Staff Portal. The Demographics form within Staff Portal continues to expand, now with the ability to add/update patients, and access related screens, such as Insurance History and External Contacts.
Staff Portal
New Feature

New Prompt When Deleting Schedule Events. One of our partner clinics shared that users may not understand that deleting a Scheduled Event removes it from the schedules of all Staff linked to the Event. We thought that was a good point. Now, when deleting an Event, users may choose between deleting the entire event, or simply removing themselves as an associated staff member.
Minor Update

Additional Quick Info Pane Details on Staff Portal. Now, users with BillingTracker access will see a Patient's Open Balance details in the Staff Portal Quick Info Pane.
Staff Portal
Minor Update

Additional Detail on Bulk Insurance Verification. Now, when processing a Bulk Insurance Verification Request, you will find the details of all verification errors displayed in the history list, such as "Subscriber policy number is not recorded." and "NPI number for this billing entity is invalid." Previously these validation errors encountered before even reaching out to the payor were not displayed.
Insurance Eligibility Verification
Minor Update

Redesigned: Billing Account. To see the redesigned screens, go to: BillingTracker > Billing Account, and also double click a claim to view the updated Claim Details screen.

Redesigned: Patient Summary. To see the new look, go to: ClinicTracker > Medical > Patient Summary. In addition to the new layout, we've added a new dropdown at the bottom of the Medications tab to track Efficacy.

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Update #1019
Released: 05/24/2024
Version: 8.03.058


Click Staff Dashboard Statistic Widgets for Deeper Insights. Now, you can investigate the details behind numbers displayed in certain Individual Statistic Widgets in the Staff Dashboard and filter the results. For example, when the Widget indicates 10 Appointments, click the icon to see a table of the 10 appointments that made up that stat, and then click again to filter or to navigate to a specific appointment.
Staff Portal
New Feature

Enhanced Flexibility for Assigning Workflow Tasks. When configuring a workflow task, you have many options for assigning who is responsible. Previously the dropdown for "Who is responsible for this task" had a "Multiple Selections" option which let you pick multiple staff member names. This feature has been enhanced to display all possible options, meaning you can now assign a task to 3 specifically named individuals, a compliance group, and the assigned case worker.
Workflow Builder
New Feature

Restored: Multi Select Control. We have restored the ability to select multiple controls in a custom form when designing a form, allowing you to perform bulk actions on all selected controls.
Form Builder

Back Online: Integrated Lab Orders/Results. Change Healthcare has confirmed that the lab connectivity has been restored, and we have made the necessary changes to bring the integrated service back online. We recognize this extended outage's impact on our partner clinics, staff, and clients and sincerely apologize. If you have questions, additional information from Change Healthcare is available at:
Lab Orders/Results

Identifier Prefix on Claims. The Building/Billing Location Input form has a new field on the Business/Billing tab for "Identifier Prefix". If "Send Location Identifier" is enabled for a Payor in the Insurer Plan setup, this will replace the Type of Location code on CMS-1500, UB-04, and electronic claims.

Bill Type Frequency on Batch Claims. When creating claims using Batch Claim Creation, the Bill Type Frequency will now be set based on the insurer-level configuration.

Export Audit Logs for Analysis. Recent There is now an icon in the top toolbar of the Advance Auditlog form. This audit log display has new options for exporting this data in various formats for display or analysis.

Search Batch Claims By Additional Patient Groups. When searching for patients on Batch Claim Creation, in addition to searching by a Patient's Primary Patient Group, you can now include members of Additional Patient Groups in your search results.

Send Specific Values to Claims/Box 19. Head over to BillingTracker > Settings > Insurer Plans > Requirements Tab > Box 19/Loop 2300 NTE and you will see a new "Send Explicit Value" section. If you have not chosen to "Send Rendering Provider" and "Send Location Identifier", you will be able to enable this setting in order to specify a value to display on all of your claim files for this Payor.

Consider Location and Service When Combining Claims. You can now opt to consider the location or the location and service when combining electronic and paper claims. Go to BillingTracker > Options > Electronic Clams (or Paper Claims) Combine Same Date and you will see two new settings:
  • Insurer, Patient, Clinician, Location
  • Insurer, Patient, Clinician, Location, Service
These options will give you additional flexibility for combining claims.

Rollup Same-Day/Same-CPT To Single Service on CMS-1500. You can now take services that share the same CPT and day, and sum up the charge, quantity, and the amount paid as if it were a single service. The Service Code Rollup setting is available at BillingTracker > Settings > Insurer Plans > Claim Details > CMS-1500 Options (Paper Claims) panel.

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